Many seasoned gamblers have played blackjack, and several of them have even made money and won against the house thanks to excellent blackjack strategy and card counting. However, not every blackjack player is a card counter, and some might not even want to consider learning it and even avoid the simpler blackjack basic strategy.
Regardless of what kind of blackjack player is reading this article, they can learn some things that they can adopt to improve their chances of winning.

Look for High Blackjack RTP
RTP or return to player determines how much money players can expect to win in the long run when playing a casino game, and blackjack players will need to look for a blackjack game with high RTP. Online blackjack typically has higher RTP than blackjack in traditional land-based casinos. Playing blackjack online allows gamblers to see the payout percentage.
Gamblers can also look for the online blackjack game with the lowest house edge. They can calculate the RTP by subtracting the house edge from 100. For example, 100 – 0.6 house edge = 99.4 RTP.
Playing blackjack online exclusively, especially mobile blackjack, allows gamblers to play with lower stakes and benefit from a higher RTP. Gamblers can play both RNG-based blackjack and live dealer blackjack through their computers, tablet PCs, or smartphones.
Take Advantage of Casino or Blackjack Bonuses
Playing blackjack in online casinos allows players to take advantage of casino bonuses and promotions that they won’t otherwise enjoy in traditional casinos. Such bonuses are separate from any loyalty rewards that both online and land-based casinos offer, making it more imperative to take advantage of bonuses to maximize winnings.
Gamblers will need to make a deposit to use bonuses, but this isn’t a big deal since they’ll be playing anyway. One bonus, CM2Bet’s 10% Daily Live Casino Reload Bonus, has a reload bonus cap of $388 and requires a member to make a $50 minimum deposit and for the deposited amount and bonus amount to be rolled over 15 times before withdrawal. Depositing $100 plus $10 and the rollover requirement will result in a $1650 payout.
The bonuses may not be listed as a blackjack bonus or just a blanket bonus for a live casino. It’s still a good idea to take advantage of whatever applicable bonus is available.
Manage a Bankroll
Bankroll management is essential to avoid losing too much money should gamblers suffer from a losing streak. It’s essential that blackjack players only risk what they can afford to lose.
Blackjack players can read one of our previous articles titled “How to Manage Bankroll in Online Casinos” to know how to set a gambling budget and stay within the bankroll.
Basically, gamblers are advised to take their gambling budget from the excess money once they deduct the amount for monthly bills, expenses, savings, and other expenses. Once gamblers set up a budget, it’s advisable to divide it in two to dedicate to a blackjack bankroll.
Once gamblers have a dedicated blackjack bankroll, gamblers can then set up win/loss limits like what’s listed below:
Stop-Win Limit
- The gambler has a $250 bankroll
- A 30% stop-win point is set
- Multiply the bankroll to the stop-win point (250 x 0.3 = 75)
- The gambler stops playing after making a profit of $75
Stop-Loss Limit
- The gambler has a $250 bankroll
- A 30% stop-loss point is set
- Multiply the bankroll to the stop-loss point (250 x 0.3 = 75)
- The gambler stops playing after losing $75
Avoid Playing Too Fast
Also related to bankroll management is how fast a gambler plays blackjack. Players typically play about 80 hands per hour and risk about $800 if they play $10 per hand in land-based casinos, but the number goes up for people who play in an online casino in Singapore.
Blackjack players must consider slowing down when playing and keep their betting limits in mind.
Learn Basic Strategy
One of the most efficient ways blackjack players can increase their winnings and limit their losses aside from bankroll management is by learning and using blackjack basic strategy. Written below are some of the rules that gamblers must follow, mainly the soft and hard totals:
Soft totals
- Soft 20 always stands
- Soft 19 doubles against dealer’s 6, or else stand
- Soft 18 doubles against dealer’s 2 through 6, and hits against 9 through ace, or else stand
- Soft 17 doubles against dealer’s 3 through 6 or else hit
- Soft 16 doubles against dealer’s 4 through 6 or else hit
- Soft 15 doubles against dealer’s 4 through 6 or else hit
- Soft 14 doubles against dealer’s 5 through 6 or else hit
- Soft 13 doubles against dealer’s 5 through 6 or else hit
Hard totals
- 17 and up always stands
- 16 stands against dealer’s 2 through 6 or else hit
- 15 stands against dealer’s 2 through 6 or else hit
- 14 stands against dealer’s 2 through 6 or else hit
- 13 stands against dealer’s 2 through 6 or else hit
- 12 stands against dealer’s 4 through 6 or else hit
- 11 always doubles
- 10 doubles against dealer’s 2 through 9 or else hit
- 9 doubles against dealer’s 3 through 6 or else hit
- 8 always hits
When using basic strategy, gamblers can cut the house edge to as low as 0.5% and be in a better position to win.

Count Cards
After learning basic strategy, gamblers can then choose to learn about card counting—many people who make money from playing blackjack count cards.
Card counting may be beneficial for professional blackjack players, but it also has risks since card counters can get banned from the casino when caught. The casino does not want to lose and will not hesitate to ban people they see counting cards, and many players had to resort to wearing disguises whenever they want to play in casinos they may have been blacklisted from.
Many people also have misconceptions about card counting as they think it’s easy to be rich through card counting. Others still have more harmful misconceptions that keep them from using it, and among them are the following:
- Card counting doesn’t work
- Card counting is illegal
- Photographic memory is needed for card counting
Card counting only requires players to assign a value to the cards, keep a running count, and calculate the true count. Gamblers can use the Hi-Lo system when assigning the cards’ values. The cards’ values through the system are set as follows:
- 2-6 = +1
- 7-9 = 0
- 10-Ace= -1
We have an article titled “Blackjack Strategy Guide: Importance of Card Counting” that tackles more about card counting and another focusing on the best card counting system to use that players can read to learn more.
Blackjack is a popular online casino game that many people play to try and make real money, and gamblers must know how they can win against the house. Keeping all or at least some of the strategies mentioned above can help people play better and beat the casino.
Gamblers won’t even need to worry about getting caught counting cards when playing live blackjack in an online casino because neither the dealer nor the house will catch the player. The only thing left is to look for a reliable online casino to register in and play to ensure that blackjack players won’t be scammed off their winnings.
Register now at to play live blackjack online. They can also choose to check our other casino games or try horse betting Singapore.