While there are several online poker tells, the following are some of the most common ones every bettor should know:
Bet Sizing – One popular online poker tell is unusual bet sizes, such as oddly large or small value bets. It is essential to analyse the size of a player’s wagers as this can indicate the strength or weakness of their hand.
Chat Behaviour – Although online poker tells lacks physical presence, gamblers can still display subtle body language cues through chat boxes. Hence, take heed of a player’s behaviour when chatting, as this may reveal their strategy or mindset. For instance, excessive chatting may denote distraction or a desire to make a false impression.
Donk Bets – A donk bet is made post-flop and from out of position in poker. When confronted with someone attempting to donk, it is best to raise their bet on the flip. If you see a poor wager from someone trying to lead into you after the pre-flop, it is generally due to a lack of resources.
Long Pauses Before Checking – Gamblers with weak hands could prolong the pause to manipulate others into thinking they have a good hand. Yet, more experienced gamblers may use this approach as a reverse tell to trick rivals into forming false assumptions. So, before making conclusions based entirely on this tell, exploring other elements and obtaining further information is crucial.
Action Speed – The rate at which a player makes decisions or might give helpful data. Although this may not always be applicable in online poker casino games, quick bets may indicate a strong hand, whereas hesitation may show weakness or indecision.