
What You Need to Know About Arbitrage Betting

It is unsurprising that many people who do online gambling in Malaysia always want to make a profit after every session. From the classic casino games to the wide selection of sports betting markets, many seasoned and professional punters are hoping for a stroke of luck to earn a few extra dollars on the side or even make up for the losses they had along the way.

This is why numerous bettors have devised different strategies that can help increase their chances of winning. And one of the most popular techniques used by many nowadays is arbitrage betting. Also called “arbing” by some, this betting strategy involves gamblers placing wagers on all possible outcomes of a particular betting market. This allows them to have a sure profit no matter what the result of the match would be.

How it Works?

Sportsbooks often provide different odds for various events, mainly because they want to make their offerings more advantageous to retain old gamblers and attract new ones. So, a lot of gamblers take advantage of the varying odds to indeed have a profit. Punters use this strategy by placing bets on all possible outcomes in two or more sportsbooks that offer different odds, maximizing their opportunities for a better result. 


Let’s say that a bettor is looking to place wagers on the match between Barcelona and Real Madrid in La Liga. Bookmaker 1 might give Barcelona more favourable odds to win, while Bookmakers 2 might provide the good odds to Real Madrid. The gambler can then bet on Barcelona under Bookmaker 1 and place another wager for Real Madrid on Bookmaker 2, giving them a sure profit no matter who wins the match.

Identifying Arbitrage Betting Opportunities

Looking for possible arbitrage betting chances can be done in many ways, especially since it is becoming more popular in recent years. There are now several software that people can use to check and compare the odds offered by different bookmakers for specific events. This will enable gamblers to quickly look for the highest possible odds for all outcomes and calculate if it can provide a great arbitrage opportunity.

But if you are not that fond of using various apps to compare odds between different sportsbooks, you can also do it manually with a pen and paper. Make a table in your notepad and make columns for each outcome. List the odds provided by your trusted sports books and see if it is ideal for arbing.

Risks of Arbitrage Betting

While no known law prohibits gamblers from arbing, many bookmakers always do something to combat it as much as they can. These bookmakers usually give different types of penalties to the bettors they find engaging in arbitrage betting, including: 


  1. Account Limitations – The bettor might be temporarily banned from betting high amounts or using some platform features. 
  2. Bet Cancellation – If a gambler is detected engaged in arbing, the bookmaker might void their existing bets and pay the money back to the better. 

Account Termination – The worst thing that can happen to someone engaged in arbing is to have their accounts closed, and the bookmakers might choose not to refund the money deposited in the account. 


Sports betting is an ever-growing industry, and more and more individuals are seeing the fun of betting on their favourite teams and players as the years go by. However, profit-making became the primary motivation for some to place wagers, making them look for strategies that can help increase their chances of winning, such as arbitrage betting. 

However, arbing is an advanced strategy and is not really for everyone. Those interested in arbitrage betting must understand how the technique works and its risks. This will allow them to maximize their opportunities and avoid getting punished by a Singapore or Malaysia online casino.  

If you are looking for a trustworthy online platform for sports betting in Malaysia, then CM2Bey MY is for you. We have a wide selection of sports betting markets that enable you to support your favourite teams and athletes while also having a chance to earn extra dollars. We also have various casino games that you can play right in the comfort of your home. Register now by visiting

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